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Environmental Justice Organizer

Environmental Justice Organizer Opportunity in Portland, Oregon

OPAL (Organizing People-Activating Leaders) is seeking a Program Manager/EJ Organizer for 2008-2009 project work with prior experience in grassroots organizing and an understanding of environmental/social justice principles, public health risks and political dynamics in low-income, minority communities of Portland Metro.

The organizer's primary role will be:

*Coordinate and implement community-based project work around air quality, brownfields and political organizing.

*Develop diverse relationships with groups and individuals in OPAL target neighborhoods.

*Support OPAL’s Director in growing the organization in areas of policy development and social change strategies.

Position is a full-time, non-profit salary based on experience with health insurance, benefits, and an engaging, colorful work environment.

OPAL Organizer Qualifications:

*Prior experience in Grassroots, Campaign, and Political Organizing. *Understanding of Environmental/Social Justice principles and community issues. *Web-Site, Database, and General Computer Skills. *Ability to work in a fast-paced environment managing various timelines. *Commitment to Innovative Strategies towards Social Change. *Sense of humor!

*People of Color, women, and low-income residents strongly encouraged to apply!

Please submit a cover letter, resume and references to:

OPAL 2409 SE 49th Avenue Portland, Oregon; 97206 or email to [email protected]


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