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10 min survey about IFCAE's website

Greetings.  We have created a short opinion survey to help plan for improvements to our website at the Institute for Culture and Ecology (IFCAE).  IFCAE (www.ifcae.org) is a Portland, Oregon based nonprofit whose mission is to improve human and environmental conditions through applied research, education, and community improvement projects.  The IFCAE website was started 10 years ago, receives an average of 40,000 unique visits each month, and has largely been created and maintained as a volunteer activity due to a lack of unrestricted general funds.  The survey questions are yes/no and multiple choice, but each question has a field where you can also add written comments.  All responses are anonymous to us unless you reveal your identify in a comment field.  Please feel free to pass the link around to others, the greater diversity of feedback we get the better.  The link to the survey is at:


Thank you from the IFCAE staff! Institute for Culture and Ecology (501c3) Post Office Box 6688 Portland, Oregon 97228-6688.  USA Telephone:  503-331-6681 E-Mail:  [email protected] Website:  www.ifcae.org