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Mercy Corps NW seminar: "Branding on a shoestring", Monday, 2/2

A Mercy Corps Northwest marketing seminar: "Branding on a shoestring: Brands as experiences"

What is a brand? How can organizations with limited budgets build their brands to compete with the big players? What constitutes stakeholder experiences with a brand? This session will outline the concept of brand and branding, and walk the audience through the process of building a brand through designing target audience experiences at various touch points. We will focus on the importance of consistent execution and highlight the top three cost-effective techniques to build your organization's brand on a shoestring.

* Monday, February 2, 6:30pm-8:00pm

* Mercy Corps Northwest office, 2069 NE Hoyt St., Portland, Oregon

Presented by Peter Korchnak, founder and principal of Semiosis Communications, a sustainable marketing company helping socially responsible organizations differentiate themselves, cultivate communities, and optimize their triple-bottom line. Semiosis Communications: "Differences that make a difference." More at www.SemiosisCommunications.com.

More Info: $5 for Mercy Corps Northwest clients, $10 for community members. All proceeds benefit Mercy Corps Northwest programs.

Please RSVP to Heather at hswientek[at]mercycorpsnw.org or 503.236.1580 x211.

Please check the Mercy Corps Northwest website after 12:00 pm the day of the seminar to verify that the class has not been canceled due to insufficient RSVPs.

Learn more about Mercy Corps Northwest at www.MercyCorpsNW.org and about Semiosis Communications at www.SemiosisCommunications.com.