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Daily Digest

Digest for November 16, 2009

Special Notice

CNRG Nonprofit Networking Night - Thursday Nov 19th - Holiday Party Dec 10th

When: Third Thursday of the month - 5:30-7:30pm. 

Where: Airplay Café, 701 E Burnside St. (map)

Join us for an evening of conversation and live music!

Are you a nonprofit or someone who works with them?  A nonprofit looking for affordable consultants or vendors?  A volunteer looking for an organization eager for your time?  A nonprofit staff member wanting to partner on a project?

If so, CNRG's nonprofit networking event is for you. Come meet others who work and volunteer in Portland's nonprofit sector. Swap resources, share ideas, devise solutions and just hang out with community-minded people like yourself at a great community cafe.

Locally owned Airplay Café has created a welcoming environment for music lovers of all ages.   Don't forget to bring a friend and a few bucks to enjoy one of Airplay Café's delightful appetizers or coffee, beer or wine.

3rd Thursday of the month, At Airplay Café, 701 E Burnside Street, Portland 97214,  Lower Burnside district – convenient location with parking!  www.airplaycafe.com



CNRG Holiday Gathering

When: Thursday, Dec. 10th - 5:30-7:30pm.

Where: Airplay Café, 701 E Burnside St. (map)

Please join us for a casual evening to celebrate connections and contributions.  Meet the CNRG board and Committee members, and network with other folks from Portland's nonprofit community. Open to the community.

10% of proceeds will be donated to CNRG to support our all-volunteer run organization.  Please note that we will not host a separate Nonprofit Networking Night in December."

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CNRG Nonprofit Networking Night - Thursday Nov 19th - Holiday Party Dec 10th

When: Third Thursday of the month - 5:30-7:30pm. 

Where: Airplay Café, 701 E Burnside St. (map)

Join us for an evening of conversation and live music!

Are you a nonprofit or someone who works with them?  A nonprofit looking for affordable consultants or vendors?  A volunteer looking for an organization eager for your time?  A nonprofit staff member wanting to partner on a project?

If so, CNRG's nonprofit networking event is for you. Come meet others who work and volunteer in Portland's nonprofit sector. Swap resources, share ideas, devise solutions and just hang out with community-minded people like yourself at a great community cafe.

Locally owned Airplay Café has created a welcoming environment for music lovers of all ages.   Don't forget to bring a friend and a few bucks to enjoy one of Airplay Café's delightful appetizers or coffee, beer or wine.

3rd Thursday of the month, At Airplay Café, 701 E Burnside Street, Portland 97214,  Lower Burnside district – convenient location with parking!  www.airplaycafe.com



CNRG Holiday Gathering

When: Thursday, Dec. 10th - 5:30-7:30pm.

Where: Airplay Café, 701 E Burnside St. (map)

Please join us for a casual evening to celebrate connections and contributions.  Meet the CNRG board and Committee members, and network with other folks from Portland's nonprofit community. Open to the community.

10% of proceeds will be donated to CNRG to support our all-volunteer run organization.  Please note that we will not host a separate Nonprofit Networking Night in December."

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Portland Plan Community Workshops Start November 17

While this is not a CNRG sponsored event, we wanted to help get the word out about the upcoming community workshops for the update to the Portland Plan. 

The Portland Plan will be our City’s strategic plan for the next 25 years, ensuring that Portland is a thriving and sustainable city and our people are prosperous, healthy and educated. Residents are invited to these workshops to work together with the City and neighbors to discuss challenges, define priorities and guide investments for the future.  All Portlanders are welcome, and we look forward to your input.

  • Tues.,  11/17 6:30-9:00pm - Beaumont Middle School - 4043 NE Fremont St.
  • Thurs., 11/19 6:30-9:00pm - David Douglas High School - 1001 SE 135th
  • Tues., 12/1  6:30-9:00pm - St. Johns Community Center - 8427 N Central St.
  • Thurs., 12/3 8:00-9:30pm - World Trade Center - 121 SW Salmon St.
  • Sat.,   12/5 10am-12:30pm - Mt. Scott Community Center - 5530 SE 72nd 
  • Mon.,  12/7  6:30-9:00pm - Wilson High School - 1151 SW Vermont St.
  • Tues., 12/15 6:30-9:00pm - University of Oregon - Old Town, 70 NW Couch St.


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Digest Contents:

CNRG Nonprofit Networking Night - Thursday Nov 19th - Holiday Party Dec 10th
CNRG Nonprofit Networking Night - Thursday Nov 19th - Holiday Party Dec 10th
Portland Plan Community Workshops Start November 17
Trade and the Environment
Portland Peace Choir: Free Concert 11/22/09
Land Use & Transportation Presentation, 11/19
Lecture Thursday
Abuse in the Workplace Discussion/Support Group
Live Mythological Audio Drama. Live Dream Dialogue.
Citywide Parks Team Mtg - Nov 19 - Parks and the People
THANKSGIVING Turkey Lovers - Nov 26th
Internship: Consumer Debt and Credit Focus Group Project
Experienced Canvasser
Family System Navigator - Bilingual
Deputy Director
Training space needed
Wordstock needs a new home!
Did you follow your passion?
Help With Our Largest Mailing of the Year!
KBOO needs Volunteer Board Secretary
Hats & Scarves Project starting now - volunteer knitters needed


Trade and the Environment

A discussion with Arthur Stamoulis of the Oregon Fair Trade Campaign

Thursday, November 19 Doors open at 6:30 pm; event starts promptly at 7:00 pm

Sierra Club Office 1821 SE Ankeny * Portland, OR

Join the Oregon Sierra Club's Columbia Group for a discussion about the ways in which free trade policies adversely affect the environment. The discussion will be led by Arthur Stamoulis of the Oregon Fair Trade Campaign, a statewide coalition of more than 30 environmental, labor and human rights organizations initially formed by the Oregon Chapter of the Sierra Club and the Oregon AFL-CIO. Topics covered include:

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Portland Peace Choir: Free Concert 11/22/09

Portland Peace Choir: Presenting World Music on Sunday, November 22, at 4:00 p.m. This event is FREE! Join us at St David's Episcopal Church, 2800 SE Harrison St. Portland OR and visit our website at www.portlandpeacechoir.org

Why we sing

Singing in a Peace Choir is about much more than making music. It's a radical act of optimism- knowing that what we do makes a difference. It’s engaging in activism. It builds community. We who sing in Portland Peace Choir believe in what we are singing. We see our music as a path to creating more peace not only in our own lives, but for our families, our neighbors, our nations and the world.

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Land Use & Transportation Presentation, 11/19

On Wednesday 11/19, Gordon Price will give a free presentation on the effective integration of transportation in high-density environments with an emphasis on land use.  If you've seen Price speak before, fear not!  He always has a new presentation and a trick or two up his sleeve...

Price is a former City of Vancouver, B.C. Councilor and current Simon Fraser University and University of British Columbia Professor who teaches, researches, and writes extensively on urban development and planning. 

To learn more about Price, check out his electronic magazine, Price Tags at http://www.pricetags.ca/pricetags.html or his daily blog on Vancouver and worldwide urban affairs,  http://pricetags.wordpress.com.

What: Gordon Price Presentation

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Lecture Thursday


 “Working Women: Caroline Gleason/S. Miriam Theresa and Oregon’s First Minimum Wage Law” Lecture, 11/19/09

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Abuse in the Workplace Discussion/Support Group

Meetings are held every third Monday at 633 SW Montgomery, Room 001 (entrance on SW Broadway) near the Portland State University Campus. The next meeting will be held on Monday, November 16, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. For more information, please contact the Oregon Healthy Workplace Advocates at [email protected]

Have you or someone you know been bullied or harassed at work? Has it affected your performance, job satisfaction, or life outside of work? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, please join us to have a chance to talk about your experiences and learn what you can do in a supportive and confidential setting.

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Live Mythological Audio Drama. Live Dream Dialogue.

Dreams Landing presents "The Sound of Renewal: How myth and dream unite us all"

Including: "The Old Woman and the Sea" by Peter Armettaa: live mythological audio drama with improvised music and "A Dialogue for Dreamers" - bring a dream, see a dream brought to life!

WHEN: Friday November 20 and Saturday November 21 at 7:30 PM

WHERE: Hipbone Studio; 1847 E. Burnside #104; Portland 97214

HOW MUCH: Tickets $12 at the door.

INFORMATION: 503-762-0419; http://www.dreamslanding.org





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Citywide Parks Team Mtg - Nov 19 - Parks and the People

Citywide Parks Team Meeting Thursday, November 19, 2009 7:00 - 8:30 pm

***** Notice New Location *****

Portland Tennis Center 324 NE 12th Ave (next to Benson High School)

***** Notice New Location *****

Topic:  Parks and the People

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THANKSGIVING Turkey Lovers - Nov 26th

A reminder, Don Amundson and Kathleen Greene will be cooking and serving the 7th Thanksgiving Dinner, Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 26, 2009. Dinner will be served in the basement dinning hall at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church from 1:00 to 4:00, 7600 N. Hereford Ave. Portland, Or 97203.

The number 75 bus stops two doors away on N. Lombard.

We have plenty of parking and wheelchair access.

We would love to have you eat with us.  The food is yummy.

We need volunteers on Wednesday chopping, peeling, and cooking with Don. Thursday we need volunteers serving up dinner and cleaning up after dinner.

If you can help please call church 503-285-0631 and leave a message. Don or Kathleen will return your call.

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Jobs & Internships

Internship: Consumer Debt and Credit Focus Group Project

Digest topic: Jobs & Internships


organization:Our Oregon
position summary:

Debt is quickly becoming the new American experience and threat. Credit card debt has quadrupled since 1989, bankruptcies are on the rise and foreclosures are at a record high while home equity is at an all time low.

The range of factors behind a family’s financial crisis are numerous and complex: job loss, reduced wages, high medical expenses, failed credit decisions made during the height of the housing heyday or predatory lending. Regardless of the cause, all of these families are now coping with economic insecurity that has a large impact on their well being, the health of the community and the stability of our state economy.

Salary / Pay Rate:Internship: Unpaid
more info...

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Experienced Canvasser

Digest topic: Jobs & Internships


organization:Tryon Life Community Farm
position summary:

(Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected] by Tue, Nov 17, 2009. Be sure to include 2-3 relevant references. Later applications may be considered, depending on our need.)

TLC Farm is a 501©3 non-profit sustainability education center, occupying 7 acres of land nestled into Tryon Creek State Park in SW Portland. We are seeking experienced canvassers to deepen our relationships with existing and potential allies and donors, primarily in our extended neighborhood. Work will begin as soon as possible, and will run through the holiday season.

Work conditions:

  • $8.40/hour basepay as employee
  • 40% commission on donations in excess of quota ($100 per night)
  • 5 hours per day: 4:30-9:30pm
  • At least 2 days per week; preferably more
Salary / Pay Rate:$8.40/hr + 40% over $100/night
more info...

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Family System Navigator - Bilingual

Job Title: Family System Navigator - Bilingual Employment Status: Temporary Part-time (24-30 hours per week) w/possibility to become a permanent position. Pay Range: $16 - $19 per hour Location: National Alliance on Mental Illness Multnomah – 524 NE 52nd Ave, Portland, OR 97213

Purpose: Assist families connected to the County Mental Health System develop plans of care sensitive to specific family needs through the use of community based services and NAMI materials and programs.

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Deputy Director

Digest topic: Jobs & Internships


organization:ONABEN-A Native American Business Network
position summary:

The Deputy Director will work closely and in concert with the Executive Director. He or she needs to have the interest, capacity, and willingness to perform all the basic management, development, and communication functions of the Executive Director in his absence or when delegated. The Deputy Director will also be called upon to perform a wide variety of services to ONABEN and our stakeholders including, but not limited to: produce content for our educational products, provide training in various workshop environments, and provide technical assistance to tribal government officials, micro-enterprise practitioners, and occasionally, guidance to entrepreneurs. The Deputy Director will have project implementation responsibilities across the broad range of programs and services of ONABEN.

Salary / Pay Rate:DOE
more info...

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Nonprofit News

There are currently no Nonprofit News posts.

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Q & A

Training space needed


The Community Energy Project is seeking a space for providing Saturday meetings or trainings on a limited basis. 

If you have a space or know of a space that is available please contact us at (503) 284-6827 x 107 or [email protected].



Community Energy Project

422 NE Alberta St.

Portland, OR  97211



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Wordstock needs a new home!

Wordstock (www.wordstockfestival.com) is looking for office space available January 1st or earlier. We need between 500 and 600 square feet, and would consider sharing space with other non-profit organizations. We are especially interested in any companies that may have space to donate in-kind. If you know of any available spaces please contact Greg Netzer, Executive Director, at [email protected] or (503) 546-1012.

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There are currently no Trainings posts.

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Did you follow your passion?

Did you follow the passion of your soul/inner self?   Is your lifework as an adult based on the passion arising from your authentic self?   Would you be willing to spend 15 minutes telling your story to a group of teen youth?   If yes, please read on....   I volunteer with two groups of teen youth that are currently in residential programs. One group is all teen boys the other all teen girls. I am looking for a small group of women to speak with the girls and a small group of men to speak with the boys. I envision an evening event in which each person tells their story for 10 minutes and answers questions for 5 minutes. This would likely take place in late January 2010.

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Help With Our Largest Mailing of the Year!

Our annual Partnership Campaign is our largest direct mail fundraiser of the year, and we are having a stuffing party! Join us on Thursday November 19th from 5-9pm at Neighborhood House, 7780 SW Capitol Hwy. Involved in the mailing is:

- Affixing address labels to envelopes

- Folding letter and matching up to addressed envelope

- Inserting folded letter, pledge card and smaller return envelope into addressed envelope

- Sealing letter and adhering postage

This important mailing raises money to fund critical resources and programs to meet the growing need in our community. We send "ask" letters to our entire donor base, including major donors and lapsed.

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KBOO needs Volunteer Board Secretary

KBOO Community Radio is presently interested in recruiting an individual who could serve as Secretary to the Board of Directors.  This appointment will be until September 30, 2010. An ideal person to fill this position would have excellent organization and note taking skills, and an eagerness to be part of a team in making decisions that will define the future for KBOO. To find out more about this opportunity, contact [email protected], or check out kboo.fm/governance.

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Hats & Scarves Project starting now - volunteer knitters needed

Living Earth’s Hats & Scarves Winter Warming Project is a unique service opportunity for anyone who knits or crochets. By doing what you love, you can provide homemade warmth to help folks stay cozy through the winter.  See www.HatsandScarves.org or www.LivingEarthGatherings.org for full details.  New, home-made items are requested for this program.


The Hats & Scarves project is as simple as it sounds: Knit or crochet hats and scarves, then take them to one of  Living Earth’s drop baskets, located  at 7 Corners New Seasons Market and at any Albina Community Bank branch, starting November 16 through January 31.


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