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Daily Digest

Digest for October 12, 2009

Digest Contents:

Springboard Forum 10/14/09 - Earn some $$ for your cause!
NOVAA Monthly Program Meeting - October 15
SOS Outreach Announces its 2009-2010 Winter Programs
Community Data Analyst
Columbia Gorge Ecology Institute openings
Fiscal Manager
PERSONAL CARE ASSISTANT needed for disabled adult.
Local CCHD Grant Applications Due This Thursday
Celebrate Making a Difference with the StreamTeam--Oct 24!
Outreach Ambassadors needed for Apple Tasting Festival
Woodmere Elementary Fall Family Festival - volunteers needed
Volunteer for SOS Outreach at SkiFever & Snowboard Expo
Warren Miller Movie Premiere
Celebrate "Make a Difference Day" with Project Wilderness


Springboard Forum 10/14/09 - Earn some $$ for your cause!

Wednesday, October 14th. 6-9 pm Urban Grind NE (2214 NE Oregon St, PDX)

Join us as we explore best practices and new trends in fundraising, and as we celebrate the Forum's first birthday! Learn from local experts and examine creative strategies for earning funds for your cause.

Cost: $30 (includes dinner, cake, and helps fund another year of Forums!)

Need a sponsor? Contact Springboard and we'll match you up with an anonymous sponsor to cover the cost for your nonprofit. Love Springboard and the Forums they provide you? Help fund them for 2010! Donate a ticket for a local organization.

Workshops include:

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NOVAA Monthly Program Meeting - October 15

The Northwest Oregon Volunteer Administrators Association (NOVAA) hosts a series of monthly program meetings designed to support professional development in the volunteer management field. The October meeting will take place on Thursday, October 15, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. This session will serve as a resource fair and networking event, allowing our members and visitors to share useful tools and information. All guests are invited and encouraged to bring materials for the resource fair, including promotional materials for your organization, forms and templates that other organizations may find useful, "how-to" guides and tool-kits, etc.

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SOS Outreach Announces its 2009-2010 Winter Programs

Just wanted to invite you to an SOS Outreach orientation on Tuesday, October 20th from 6-8pm at the REI in Clackamas (12160 SE 82nd Avenue).

Please let me know if you can make it or if you know of anyone who is interested in SOS Outreach this season.

We'd love to see you there! We're looking for awesome volunteers & new youth organizations to work with this season!

About SOS

SOS Outreach was founded in 1993 in Colorado’s Vail Valley. As a nonprofit organization, our programs build character and self-esteem in youth through outdoor activities and the SOS curriculum. SOS is on pace to serve more than 4,500 youth across the nation in 2009-2010.

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Jobs & Internships


organization:Oregon Partnership
position summary:

A Portland-based drug education and crisis intervention non-profit located in SW Portland is seeking a part-time Community Data Analyst to coordinate and assist with the collection, processing, analysis, archiving, and maintenance of data collected to support educational and community programs, crisis intervention services, and national advocacy.

This job description is not meant to be an all inclusive list of duties and responsibilities, but constitutes a general definition of the position's scope and function in the company. Oregon Partnership is an equal opportunity employer. Work hours anticipated at 20 hrs per week, allowing for schedule flexibility so long as the business needs of the organization are met. The position reports to the Director of Finance and Operations.

Salary / Pay Rate:Salary is commensurate with experience.

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Columbia Gorge Ecology Institute openings

Columbia Gorge Ecology Institute has the following Northwest Service Academy-P2 AmeriCorps positions available:   Education Project and Programs Manager Wetland Restoration Project Manager   Please see www.nwserviceacademy.org for position descriptions and application instructions.  

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CHAT PDX Project Lead. 40 hrs/wk. Develop, coordinate, and implement with community partner (CAP) a youth (ages 16 – 24) activity-based HIV prev. program using peer education and social media.  Qualifications: project management; data tracking and reporting;  knowledge of HIV; community art/education/theater; experience working with sexual/gender minorities, youth of color and street youth. Spanish a plus.  BA plus 2 yrs relevant experience.  Applicants with additional experience in lieu of degree welcome.  $28K -32K DOQ.


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organization:Peninsula Children's Center
position summary:

General Description The Fiscal Manager contributes to the overall success of Peninsula Children’s Center by managing all fiscal functions, including budget preparation, GAAP compliant general ledger accounting, preparation of monthly financial statements, and preparation of audit work papers. The Fiscal Manager holds primary responsibility for ensuring the implementation of sound fiscal controls, compliance with fiscal policies, and identification of areas in which current policies need revision or new policies should be developed. Additionally, the Fiscal Manager oversees the management of payroll, fringe benefits, and other human resource administration functions, and provides leadership in planning for facilities and equipment needs.

Salary / Pay Rate:We currently envision this position as 0.8 FTE. The salary range is $35,200 - $38,400 (at 80% of FTE). Full health benefits include dental and vision.

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PERSONAL CARE ASSISTANT needed for disabled adult.

Please post and distribute where appropriate:

The US Social Security Department and the Oregon State Department of Human Services Senior and Disabled Services Division partner to fund this program to help the disabled live productive lives.

Primary responsibilities:

Thorough housecleaning. Preparation of simple and nutritious vegetarian meals.

Required Qualifications: Kind, honest, hard worker. Knowledge of green cleaning and vegetarian nutrition. Non-smoker. Pet tolerant (cat).

Desired qualifications:

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Nonprofit News

Local CCHD Grant Applications Due This Thursday

CCHD Economic Development Grant Applications Due October 15th.

The Portland chapter of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development is accepting applications for our Fall Economic Development Local Grants cycle. The application deadline is October 15th.

CCHD Local Grants fund or support economic development institutions that are smaller in scope or are in the early stage of development. Economic development projects assist poor and low-income people to develop new businesses and create new jobs.

Please note: CCHD Local Grants also fund Community Organizing efforts in low-income communities. Please see our website for more detials and the different criteria. We will be accepting applications for these organizations in the Spring of 2010.

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Q & A

There are currently no Q & A posts.

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Celebrate Making a Difference with the StreamTeam--Oct 24!


Make a difference with the StreamTeam:  600 volunteers can’t be wrong!  Join the team!


On Saturday, October 24th from 8:45am until 1pm the StreamTeam will celebrate Make a Difference Day with you and millions of Americans across the country!  On this national day of service we will honor the StreamTeam Volunteer of the Year and spread the volunteer spirit while planting native trees to save salmon.  No experience necessary.  We will provide all of the training, tools, and supplies for a great day.  The event is rain or shine. 


There are volunteer opportunities for every age and ability including:

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Outreach Ambassadors needed for Apple Tasting Festival

EVENT: Apple Tasting Festival benefiting Impact NW

COMMITMENT: Friday, October 16th, sign up for a three-hour shift. Volunteers needed from 10 am - 1 pm or from 1 pm - 4 pm. Optional ongoing Outreach Ambassador position requires twelve-month commitment.

LOCATION: Portland Nursery, 5050 SE Stark Portland OR http://www.portlandnursery.com/

Join us at our outreach and information booth at this annual community event. Enjoy apple tastings, booths with homemade apple goodies, live entertainment and a charming man that makes fresh apple cider. This is a great opportunity to bring your family as well. Customers are encouraged to bring canned food which is donated directly to Impact NW!

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Woodmere Elementary Fall Family Festival - volunteers needed

EVENT: Woodmere Elementary Fall Family Festival

COMMITMENT: October 29th, 6 pm - 8 pm.

LOCATION: Woodmere Elementary School, 7900 SE Duke Portland OR 97206

A cornucopia of cultures! A gathering of gastronomical proportions! Impact NW's SUN Program at Woodmere is having a Fall Festival to celebrate the myriad cultures represented by our students. The most important part of making this event a success here will be the volunteers and families who will come to share their cultures with us. All ages welcome and encouraged to participate!

Ladle out the ambrosial delights of Mexican, Vietnamese and Russian delicacies. Help the wee ones turn cans into Matroshka nesting dolls! Be a costume photographer! Set up! Clean up! Pinatas! Oh My!

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Volunteer for SOS Outreach at SkiFever & Snowboard Expo

Here's an awesome volunteer opportunity! All volunteers get a wristband to the show! Please sign up for a time slot to hang out at the SOS Outreach booth & spread the SOS love!

Here's all it takes: 1) Register as a volunteer online at https://secure.civicore.com/sosclient/ or go to sos.civicore.com, enter client tracking, and click the New Volunteer Form.

2) Email me which time slot you want to sign up for.

3) Attend our SOS Outreach Orientation on Tuesday, October 20th 6-8pm at REI Clackamas.

I'll be sure to confirm your time slot after the Orientation. Thank you!

SkiFever November 6, 7, & 8 at the Expo Center:

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Warren Miller Movie Premiere

Volunteer at the Warren Miller movie premiere! Chat with movie-goers and give out information about SOS Outreach at our booth.

Here's all it takes:

1) Register as a volunteer online at https://secure.civicore.com/sosclient/ or go to sos.civicore.com, enter client tracking, and click the New Volunteer Form.

2) Email me which time slot you want to sign up for.

3) Attend our SOS Outreach Orientation on Tuesday, October 20th 6-8pm at REI Clackamas.

4) Show up 2 hours before showtime. I'll confirm your time beforehand!


Friday, October 23, 2009 - 8:00pm

Saturday, October 24, 2009 - 6:00pm

Saturday, October 24, 2009 - 9:00pm

About SOS:

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Celebrate "Make a Difference Day" with Project Wilderness

Come do your part on Make a Difference Day this year!

Hosted by Project Wilderness in partnership with Washington Dept. of Natural Resources, enjoy a great bbq, meeting new and exciting people and doing your part to "make a difference" by volunteering at the October 24th Triangle Pit Cleanup.

Can't make it? Support Project Wilderness today by buying a shirt! Cost of $20 including shipping, of which - $5 goes directly towards public land expansion & $5 goes towards cost related to cleanups & habitat restoration projects!

Find out more at www.projectwilderness.org/donations.html

Triangle Gravel Pit in the Capitol State Forest is located outside Olympia, WA near the junction of Waddell Creek and Sherman Roads.

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